Thursday, July 23, 2015

25 Film Couples with the Worst Chemistry

Yikes. After compiling my list for what I considered to be the film couples with the best chemistry, I decided to publish its counterpoint with the worst. Again, I decided to stick to romantic chemistry (or at least, the goal of romantic chemistry) and focus on films where the romantic relationship was a huge part of the film's plot. Warning: bad chemistry ahead.

In Chronological Order:

1. Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) - Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan

Supposedly, this movie is supposed to be about two people so attracted to each other that although they're incompatible in almost every way, they can't keep their hands off each other and just have to go to the bone-zone all the time. Except, Johnson and Dornan look so bored in this movie that you begin to wonder if this movie is just about two strangers with Asperger's. For a film centered on sex, the lack of sexual chemistry between these two is so startling that watching this film leaves you bored to tears and uncomfortable during any of the love scenes. Not exactly the message you were going for, huh, E.L. James?

2. Man of Steel (2013) - Amy Adams and Henry Cavill

UGH. First of all, although I love Amy Adams and think she is a talented actress, she was all wrong for the role of Lois Lane. Second of all, there is no chemistry between these two, so much so that it is painful. What should have been a fun, sexy, repertoire between a spunky journalist and a good 'ol boy from Kansas ended up being two people just reading lines to each other. Each has shown that they can have great chemistry with other actors (see The Tudors for Cavill and American Hustle for Adams), but in this disappointing take on the Superman legend, they both emitted as much sparks as a bathtub.

3. Harry Potter films (2001 - 2011) - Bonnie Wright and Daniel Radcliffe

Yeesh. I'm sure Harry Potter fans were disappointed when J.K. Rowling ended up throwing Harry and Ginny together, particularly when we realized that the actors portraying them had no chemistry. I mean none. These two are as believable together as a washcloth and a doorknob falling in love, and it actually hurts the emotional punch of the movies. When you realize that Harry is going to end up with his best friend's boring and mousy sister, you start to care less about his life and how things will turn out since you're already disappointed that he's going to marry someone he seems to merely tolerate.

 4. Water for Elephants (2011) - Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson

An epic, historical love story of passion and perseverance... That's what this story was apparently about. Not that you would ever know it watching its film adaptation. Reacting to each other like tired ghosts, Pattinson and Witherspoon are so mismatched that you feel as if even the actors are uncomfortable. And they probably are since only a few years ago, Pattinson played Witherspoon's son in Vanity Fair (2004). Opting for the popular heartthrob of the moment and at the time, a career-teetering actress with some years left in her, the casting directors of this bore failed to hire actors who could sell this movie.

5. The Tourist (2010) - Angelina Jolie and Johhny Depp

Take note: just because two actors are beautiful and talented does not mean they will automatically have chemistry. Case in point: The Tourist.  I've watched HGTV shows with more excitement.

6. Spider-man 3 (2007) - Kirsten Dunst and Tobey Maguire

I honestly don't think these two were bad in the first two Spider-man films, but by the time this crap sequel came out in 2007, I think these two were sick of each other. Practically yawning through this massive miss, Dunst and Maguire float through this abomination like two bored teenagers who are so over each other that they can barely hold a conversation. Wonderfully, that only helps make this movie even more miserable as we begin to lose any interest or investment in how their relationship turns out and just pray for the film to end with some grace. It doesn't.

 7. The Holiday (2006) - Kate Winlset and Jack Black

Are these two believable as friends? Absolutely. They seem like they genuinely enjoy each other's company and can have a good time. But are they believable as lovers? F*** no. It's a little unfair and maddening to me that Cameron Diaz's character gets Jude Law - with whom she has great chemistry - for a love interest and Kate Winlset's gets schlubby Jack Black. Yeah, he's a nice guy and all, but they don't share any sexual or romantic rapport at all and it only brings down what is otherwise a cute romantic comedy. Their kiss? It's so uncomfortable and awkward that thankfully the director made it quick.

8. Failure to Launch (2006) - Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey is one of those actors who often has good chemistry with co-stars; probably because he seems like a genuinely cool and likeable guy. But in this romantic comedy, not even his charm can create a connection with Parker. This film could have been better had the casting directors chosen another leading lady to spar with McConaughey, because it's just not there with the Sex and the City alumna. Truthfully, I don't get the appeal of Parker period, no matter what she's doing. She's unattractive, whiny, kind of irritating and not that talented. Are we surprised this pairing flopped?

9. King Kong (2005) - Naomi Watts and Adrien Brody

*Shudder* What the hell was Peter Jackson thinking when he ok'ed this pairing? Sadly, he might not have realized that he had reached the pinnacle of his career with Lord of the Rings, when he opted to go with the "hot-right-now" actors of the day in order to remain relevant. Oops. Watts and Brody are barely believable as friends let alone lovers and the chemistry is so absent that you forget that their relationship is even in the movie. Honestly, she has more chemistry with the CGI King King.


10. Fantastic Four (2005) - Jessica Alba and Ioan Gruffud

There are a lot of things wrong with this movie, but casting these two as a couple is definitely one of the weirdest missteps. Ignoring the fact that casting Jessica Alba as a scientist is like casting Denise Richards as a nuclear engineer, there's very little interesting interaction between these two. Their relationship merely becomes a bothersome and boring aspect of the story that is already bogged down with weird sub-plots and a weak premise to begin with. Alba may have been the IT Girl at that time, but she's not much more than a hot body and a pretty face, and I'm pretty sure Gruffud felt that way.

11. Batman Begins (2005) - Katie Holmes and Christian Bale

You know you're bad when they replace you with Maggie Gyllenhaal. Sadly, one of the only weaknesses of the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy is the casting choices for Batman's love interests. But this one is by far the worst. Holmes is never particularly interesting or compelling in her roles but she's flat-out annoying in the first of this great series. And she and Christian Bale have absolutely no chemistry, so much so that you wonder if they even know each other. Bale has more chemistry with Michael Caine for God's sake.

 12. Bewitched (2005) - Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell

WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA???? Casting Nicole Kidman as Samantha the Witch was a great plan but then Nora Ephron decided to cast Will Ferrell as her romantic counterpoint. WHY? We may never know the answer to this question, although it still baffles us when Ephron had such a winning streak before with her romantic couples (Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally, You've Got Mail, Julie & Julia). Unfortunately, let's just try to forget this and pretend that these two never tried to act like they were in love.


13. Star Wars Episodes II and III (2002-2005) - Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen

Christ... Let's start with the fact that George Lucas almost destroyed his own masterpiece with this poorly written prequel trilogy. Then let's mention that what is supposed to be an epic love story that spawns almost all of the events of the original, is so bad, so unbelievable, and so painful that we wonder if perhaps Luke and Leia were products of a science experiment. Because there is no way these two wanted to have sex with each other. While both actors try as hard as they might to create some kind of believable romance between Anakin and Padme, their sh***y script and their really bad lack of chemistry can't save the day. It's like watching a dog fall in love with a tree and you just want to avert your eyes.

 14. Gigli (2003) - Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck

I know this is shocking. Who seemed more in love in 2003 than Jenny from the Block and Ben Affleck? Well, apparently every other couple on the planet. Not only is the premise kind of irrational and offensive - since when is Ben Affleck able to turn lesbians straight? - but the relationship is laughably unbelievable, so much so that their sex scene is painful. This is no Out of Sight. This is pure garbage.

15. The Room (2003) - Tommy Wiseau, Juliette Danielle, Greg Sestero

Does this even warrant commentary?  Watching these actors relate in this "love triangle" is like watching a horrific train wreck. And that's why it's so damn funny.

16. From Justin to Kelly (2003) - Kelly Clarkson and Justin Guarini

This movie might have been written by middle schoolers. No joke. So it doesn't help that the producers thought it'd be brilliant to cast the American Idol and her runner-up as the leads of this botched, embarrassing joke of a movie. The romance between these two is not only unbelievable but also borderline disturbing as they seem to relate to each other like brother and sister more than anything else, which makes it all the more confusing and creepy that they dated in real life. Hopefully, they're just horrible actors.

17. The Truth About Charlie (2002) - Thandie Newton and Mark Wahlberg

Okay, this movie is bad period. But while I can support the casting of Thandie Newton (who is criminally under-used in my opinion), why Marky-Mark? Wahlberg is a poor choice for the romantic lead and it's very uncomfortable to watch these two "fall in love" because they have as much chemistry as two goats. Although, depending on the goats, who knows.  Still this snooze fest could have at least been more interesting if they had cast a worthy lead for Newton.

18. On the Line (2001) - Emmanuelle Chriqui and Lance Bass

Okay, just because Bass is gay does not mean he can't have chemistry with a female actress. See Rock Hudson and Doris Day. Rather, I think it's because Bass and Chriqui are as interesting as sacks of potatoes that they have such appalling chemistry. In this sad attempt to bank on NSYNC's fame and teen fan-base at the time, we end up getting a "romantic comedy" so pathetic, so unbelievable, so dull, so lame that From Justin to Kelly starts to look fun. Honestly, there's more spark in Justin Timberlake's and Chris Kirkpatrick's end credits gag than this entire movie.

19. Forces of Nature (1999) - Sandra Bullock and Ben Affleck

There's good 'ole Ben Aflleck again, except this time in an incoherent, weird, and bizarre romantic comedy that isn't even remotely romantic. Sad, yes. Strange, yes. Uncomfortable, yes. It is all of these things probably because the relationship between these two is so poorly written and so unbearable that even if they had chemistry (they don't), this movie would still suck. What this film was trying to go for, I'll never know.

20. Six Days, Seven Nights (1998) - Anne Heche and Harrison Ford

No. Just no. Why? Why didn't someone stop this? Why was this made? Why did Harrison Ford say yes? This film could have easily been at least sexy with a better pairing with hot chemistry (can we see a remake with Chris Hemsworth or something?). But instead, this film chose to pick one of the strangest pairs cinema has seen. Both actors have had good chemistry with other co-stars. But this? What the f**k, Gus?

21. Basil (1998) - Claire Forlani and Jared Leto

Oh, you haven't seen this movie? Good, don't. Jared Leto is hot as ever but watching him try to romance Forlani is like watching a rag try to romance a corpse. Even if her indifference is part of the plot, it's still painful.

22. My Best Friend's Wedding (1997) - Cameron Diaz and Dermot Mulroney

This movie... ugh... is so frustrating for so many reasons, but one of the most infuriating is the fact that no one can buy that Mulroney is in love with Diaz. You end up rooting for the insecure and fickle Julia Roberts to ruin his relationship merely because she is more believable with him. How retarded is that? No one is likable in this movie and the relationship between Mulroney and Diaz is so uncomfortable that you can't understand why they're marrying. They barely seem to like each other. Hard fail for a "romantic comedy."

23. Sabrina (1995) - Julia Ormond and Harrison Ford

Look, I get it. Harrison Ford was hot once. He was the man in Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Witness, etc. But he even knew he did not belong in this weak remake alongside... Julia Ormond. Prepare to be baffled as these two actors try to act like they're falling love and only convince you instead that everyone should have skipped this and just taken a vacation because it's not believable and no one is buying it.

24. I Love Trouble (1994) - Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte

Walk away slowly...

25. Out of Africa (1985) - Meryl Streep and Robert Redford

Remember what I said about The Tourist? Just because two actors are talented and beautiful does not mean they'll be good together. The first case is this film. In this over-hyped and overrated bore of a film, not even the usually dependable Streep and Redford can save this "love story" from being the weakest and lamest romance you'll see in a few decades. The sad part is too that in real life this relationship tanked because he was actually gay. Yeah.

So, what did you think? Who did I leave out? Who did you agree with or disagree with? Let me know!


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